Tagged: My 10 Habits

Dapet peer ni dari Tama. Bener kata si Tama, kebiasaan sendiri malah susah ngingetnya. Trus kenapa gitu Tam, ngasih ni peer, huhuhu. Untung cuman 10 πŸ˜›

The rules are: *I copied them from Tama*
1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.

So, here are my 10 habits:
1. Always snooze my alarm when it rings for the first time. Sometimes I make mistake pressing “off” button, jadinya kadang bablas aja gituh, wkwk
2. Pas bangun tidur, biasanya ga langsung bangun, ngumpulin nyawa dulu. Kecuali udah telat, kl udah gitu langsung rusuh deh, huhuhu
3. Abis bangun tidur selalu minum air putih *kecuali pas lagi puasa*
4. At the office, after turning on my pc, the first applications I open are… Outlook and Firefox *oh I loooove firefox*, and then followed by VS, VMWare, YM
5. The order of sites I open in my firefox are: Planet Ilkomerz, Plurk (due to the banned policy, I moved to Twitter, but still, Plurk is irreplacable T_T), baru kemudian blogwalking *kapan kerjanya kalo gini? browsing mulu*
6. In my idle time, I usually read all the status of the people in my YM list. If I find something weird, I’ll send some message to the owner of the status *iya emang kurang kerjaan* That’s why some of my friends call me ‘statuswalker’ wkwk
7. I like copying the way Spongebob’s laugh and I love quoting lil’ Baim, “Biasa aja lagi” ^_^
8. I usually do humming when listening to the music with my earphone, hmmm hmmm hummmmmm
9. I usually complain when a person sings/plays the same song over and over again *bosen kali dengernya, ganti napa lagunya*
10. I don’t like people who apologize but still doing the same mistake over and over again, *huff sama aja boong getoh*

Yayyy, slesai juga peernya sblum mudik. Selanjutnyah, saya kasih peer ini untuk:
Bu Kantin

Buat yg dapet peer, kerjain yak, awas kalo ga! Ntar berdiri depan kelas sambil angkat satu kaki loh, wkwkwkwkwk

15 thoughts on “Tagged: My 10 Habits

  1. pertamaxxx… wkwkwkwkwk…

    hicks butik, kalo telat bikinnya ga disetrap kan bu… dikurangin nilainya ajah… huehuehue…

    gapapah deh… tapi kuranginnya dikit aja ya bu… jangan banyak2… rapor saya dah jelek nih… πŸ˜›

  2. huikssss…. baru pertama nih ngunjungin blog nya Budhe…. hehehehehe……. duh vina juga kena tag jena nih… dari Budhe to awalnya… wah Budhe ini kasih PR aneh2 aja… hehehhe… peace Budhe….. πŸ˜€

  3. @vina: hehehehe, gapapa kan vin, skali2 πŸ˜›
    gw jg ditag ama Tama nih, huhuhu, maka dari ituh, ga rela kalo ga nge-tag orang lain, wkwkwk. Met ngerjain peer ya vin πŸ™‚

  4. no 9. -> waktu masih jadi tetangga belakang tempat duduknyah, gw yg sering jadi korban komennya butik.
    Habis gimana yah… namanya juga lagi demen ma lagunya butik… huehuehue… Untung skr dah gak deket butik lagi… aman deh… hahahaha…

  5. Pingback: Sepuluh « Naooon?
  6. 9. I usually complain when a person sings/plays the same song over and over again *bosen kali dengernya, ganti napa lagunya*

    >>> oh that’s so me. kalo pas lagi suka lagu apa, itu mulu yang diputer… salam kenal tika! saya juga tyka!

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